Exploring open source water science and management

Exploring open source water science and management

Relative elevation models using lidar, R, and Python

Pretending I can make beautiful maps!

Drought condition gifs

Playing with drought maps.

Plotting drought conditions

Historic drought conditions have set in across much of the US.

Combine a hydrograph and hyetograph in ggplot2

Streamflow hydrographs and precipitation hyetographs are commonly combined into one plot by hydrologists. Here is one way to make these plots in R.

Rayshading Precipitation Maps

I rendered some preciptiation maps of the contiguous US with rayshader.

Rayshading maps

An adventure in using rayshader.

Predicting estuarine salinity using simple statistical models part 2

Part one of some statistical approaches for estimating estuarine salinity using freshwater inflow.

Predicting estuarine salinity using simple statistical models part 1

Part one of some statistical approaches for estimating estuarine salinity using freshwater inflow.

Plotting flood probability

Communicate flood probability in relatable terms.

Introducing echor

Download EPA data with R

Binomial Test for Water Quality Compliance

Use the binomial test to evaluate water quality compliance.

Date-based rolling functions

Apply rolling statistics to non-routine time series data.

txwater retweets

Let's find out the retweet relationships for txwater twitter users.

Time-series decomposition and trend analysis in Python

Decompose time series in Python and a function for the Mann-Kendall test for trend.



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    Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at https://github.com/mps9506/mschramm, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".